Tax Roles 1672-1680
The Enid Baa Library and Archives has microfilm of Danish Land Lister (tax rolls) from 1688. The original of these are in the Danish Archives. This list of St.Thomas tax records graciously submitted to this site by Robin Sabino, Associate Professor, Department of English, Auburn University.
Bladt, Erasmus J.
Baggaert, Charles
Swain, Thomas
De Vos, Adrian
Solomons, Anthony
Paulsen, Hans
Begart, A
Wadts, Christian
von Campenhout, Joost
Cramues, Jan
Swain, Lader
Jansen, Jasper
De Vos, Adrian
Poulsen, Hans
Hansen, Mads
Ducken, Jan
Baggaert, Charles
Pad, Gillis
Andrias, Samen
Swain, Thomas
Rasmussen, Kund
von Ockeron, Simon
Bastian, Lambert
Turbullies, Piero
Bladt, Erasmus J.
Bodker, Han Jorgen
von Campenhout, Joost
Beshervil, Jesper
Grantels, Philip
Mols, Hans
Andersen, Lars
Devael, Nelle
Lacroijes, Fransoa
Warnus, J
Perepau, Anthoni
Gauss, Maria
Rondts, Barent
Pietersen, Peter
Zygerts, Andrias
Gauf, Jan
Cloet, Marcus
Davidts, Jelles
Nikkels, Arn
Jansen, Cornelius
Dunker, Jan
de Woo, Anthoni
Esmit, Nicolay
Esmit, Adolph
Oliandus, Domine
Just, Wilhelm
Barvil, Lorviss
Thoma, Jacob
Bondeuid, Loduce
Heins, Christopher
Wolkersen, Lucas
Brag, Robben
de Puy, Pier
de Buijk, Pietter
Jacobsen, Cornelis
Gauf, Mary
Gans, Mavin
Carsen, Christian
Cloet, Marcus
Jansen, Unknown
Saman, Andreas
Swain, Thomas
Blaer, Jan
Braggert, Carl
Grantels, Phillip
Von Ockeron, Simon
Bolle, Jan
Palling, Frans
Rasmussen, Knud?
Giga, Francois
Remi, Nicolai
Mols, Hans
La Croijes, Francois
Webmaster’s note: According to Westergarrd, “The size of the company’s plantations is impossible to ascertain because of the confused and complicated systems of bookkeeping that prevailed and the omission of reference to them in the census reports (Land Lister). The later fact is explained by the circumstance that the purpose of the annual census was to ascertain the amount of taxes due from each inhabitant. Naturally the Company did not propose to tax itself.”